I spend quite a bit of time over at reddit, reading subreddits such as programming (aka proggit), php, python, and compsci. It's a great place to find new and interesting programming related content on the web.
There was a post on proggit today called the big programming related subreddits round up which listed over 30 different programming related subreddits! Far too many to keep up with, you might think. A comment was left describing an amazing reddit feature I (and apparently many others) didn't know about: You can create a multi-reddit by combining several subreddits together. The following multi-reddit includes both the PHP and Python subreddits:
What a great feature! Here are some multi-reddits that I'm now following:
LAMP (includes PHP, MySQL, AJAX, Javascript, CSS, Linux) Scripting (includes Python, Ruby) Functional (includes Functional, Lisp, Scheme, Clojure) Dev (includes Programming, CompSci, CodeProjects, Agile and OpenSource)